
The Bakery


The following vision occurred on the main street in my home town of Ureterp when I was around 8 eight years old.


It was a custom in our house on Sundays to polish our Uncle Johannes’s shoes when he was with us. My brothers and I didn’t mind doing this because we always got a few cents for doing so. Also on this Sunday my brother Gjalt and I polished his shoes and we gotten our pocket money.
We didn't waste any time and went running  in making our way down to the bakery

( now main street 84 ) were we could spend it at a candy machine.

While we were on our way, I heard  - on the street called " de mounestrjitte "  - a voice  in the sky - the Devil  saying; “hey," he's going to buy something on Sunday”.

On my right, a little behind me GOD Said; 







I run on to the candy machine and buy something I like. I had just taken the sweets out of the machine and closed the hatch, when GOD - on my rightside- is near to my. Vaguely I see a MAN, who feels friendly.

Than we see the hand off the bakery woman putting new sweets into the machine.


I hear GOD Say;








and HE spoke to her, but I couldn’t hear what HE said.

I could hear from the tone of voice that what she was doing on a Sunday, putting new sweets into the machine, was not right.

I then heard HIM  Say;




" OH , IS THAT SO ?”




HE then spoke to someone else and said ; 






HE then turned to me and said;








As HE slowly departed - floating up - I heard HIM satisfied Say;






Then the Devil appeared suddenly before me and laughs, while he’s saying "I’ll will grab you, in the future ".

I startle and the Devil laughed and said to GOD; "I make him already uncertain ". GOD’S  new  - gentle - presence calmed me,


 and I heard HIM Say;








and the vision vanished.

I don’t know exactly what GOD said to the bakery woman , but HE did show me that HE is able to make decisions in everyone's life.
The Devil telling that he would get me, was a prophecy of what was to come.



On a Sunday afternoon, when I bought a pack of tobacco from a machine - I was 17 years old - I received the following vision.


The Devil came to the left side - oblique - for me when I walked the main street in the direction of the above described bakery.

I hear the Devil say; There are no human hands needed.
I answer him that my hands are human hands.
Then there come DIVINE People from above - in front of me - and they liked the answer I had given. They find it wonderful.

Then I thought that the whole vision was coming from the Devil and I told myself not to give any notice to it in the future. Now I think that the Devil tried to put - on the vision " the bakery "- his mark on it.


GOD was / is very clear about the Sunday, you have 6 days to earn our living .The Sunday should be a day of rest, a day for HIM. And I knew that, although I wasn't hasty.

GOD had to let me know more often - in 2010 - what the intention was, because I was still  buying coffee and snacks at the petrol stations.

I had a difficult time to stop doing it, until the moment that someone came from " above " on a Sunday afternoon.

The man stood on the right side next to - diagonally in front of - me and asked me in a sharp tone, whether I would turn it off, - the Pc -, or not?
After thinking about it for a while, I did that, and I shutdown - for four years  - everything on the Sunday.


GOD was once present on a Saturday afternoon when I was still living in my house and preparing myself  - e.g. putting water in jerry cans - for the Sunday. GOD was pleased with my work.

I turned off the Gas,Water and the Electricity just before Sunday. I had already removed the websites, including this one from the net and the mobile phone also went off. 

When it comes to food, I either prepare it in advance on Saturday, or use a camping gas burner. For light I used candles, gas lanterns and flashlights. 

I use a gas heater to warm the house and I filled jerry cans ,for washing and for the toilet.

Now nobody is working for me on Sunday.


When I go to the Churches, people are working there, the stove burns, there is light and the water flows for the coffee and toilet. They have forgotten what the intention is, not spoken about those Churches that have made their own  facilities on electricity, water and gas.

I thought that in the future a solar panel or a Whisper power pack unit, and the central heating working on a gas cylinder, would be efficient enough on Sunday. Now I know better.

The DIVINE way of generating Energy with " The Windcatcher " , will bring the main contribution, to the power supply in the nearby future.

With that, the gas cylinder and whisper pack will - almost completely - disappear.  Everything will work on electricity or in combination - freighters with sails and electric motors - with that.

The Sun, Water and the Wind will together take care of a 100% clean produced Energy in the nearby future.